Tag Archives: Inclusion

Welcome to Camp Zeke Quad Retreat!

June 7-9, 2024, The 12th Quad-Region Biennial Retreat celebrated Brotherhood with the New York Metropolitan, Hudson Valley, Northern New Jersey and Middle Atlantic Regions! The regions gathered together for leadership training, camaraderie, Hearing Men’s Voices, softball, fishing, hiking, nature walks, Outdoor Shabbat Experience, Havdalah Under the Stars and much more!

Help The Jewish Blind – An FJMC Inclusion Committee Initiative

The FJMC Inclusion Initiative urgently seeks your support to create the Lev Shalem Mahzor in braille, produced by the Jewish Braille Institute (JBI). Your gift will make a real impact!!!  This link will take you to the FJMC sponsored donation page of JBI. Your support can make a tangible difference!!!  Contribute NOW!!! Thanks in advance, for your support of this worthwhile project www.jbilibrary.org/fjmc […]