Tag Archives: Health

Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM)

By Steven Mandel MDVP of Community Outreach, NY Metro Region FJMC. Not all disabilities look the same. In many cases it is not apparent. This can include individuals with both physical and mental diseases. A person with an “Not apparent” or “invisible disability” may not want to reveal their symptoms, due to the lack of […]

“Climate Change”

Our Personal refection’s on Climate Change. DR. STEVEN MANDEL, NEW YORK METRO Region, Park Avenue Synagogue, New York, NY. DR. GARY SMITH, KIO Region, Adath Israel Synagogue, Cincinnati, OH. On July 22, 2024, the temperature rose to 62.89 C (140 degrees.), the hottest day in recorded history.  Second highest was in 1913 in death valley […]