Barry Shapiro

Midway Jewish Center
Barry Shapiro has been happily married to Kara for 27 years. They are the proud parents of Pamela, an Actress and Product Ambassador and Hope & Victoria who are College Freshmen.
The Shapiros have been members of Midway since 2002. Barry currently serves as Corresponding Secretary of Midway’s Men’s Club and member of the synagogue’s board of trustees, finance committee and ritual committee.
Barry is a Business Consultant who provides advisory services. He earned a Bachelor of Science and MBA from the University of Buffalo. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of both the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Barry is extremely honored for this award and thanks his fellow Men’s Club members. He is also very thankful to be sharing this honor with two great youths, Hannah Slavsky and Ethan Rogers. Mazel Tov to them and their amazing families! Support Barry Shapiro by placing an ad in his honor.
Please click here to support the Midway Jewish Center’s Youths of the Year:
Ethan Rogers, Seth Schlank, Hannah Slavsky, Maya Rezak