Russell Strachan
Huntington Jewish Center
Russell Strachan is a senior at the Schechter school of Long Island, which he has attended since Kindergarten. He and his family have been members of Huntington Jewish Center since 2011. Russell had his Bar Mitzvah at Huntington Jewish Center December 10, 2016. He has been reading Torah every year on Rosh Hashanah since his Bar Mitzvah and has also read on Shabbat. He has enjoyed helping out with Babysitting at Huntington Jewish Center during services.
At Schechter, Russell always volunteers when needed for any event or project and helps out as an office intern. He is very close with his younger sister Ellie and with his Schechter friends. This year he is currently stage manager for the Schechter School of Long Island Senior Class play.
During the summers he attended the Mid Island Y JCC travel camp and volunteered in the Stony Brook Medical Intensive Care Unit. Since 8th grade he has been active in Ruach USY and has been to many regional events including USY Encampment.
Russell’s hobbies include gaming, tech, traveling and following his teams- the Yankees, Islanders, Seahawks, and Jets. Russell’s interests include sports marketing and the medical sciences. He will be starting college on Long Island in the fall.
Russell would like to thank HJC for selecting him for this honor. Click here to support Russell Strachan with a journal ad in his honor.
Please click here to support the Huntington Jewish Center’s Man of the Year:
Alan Kriegstein.