Alexa Rind

Huntington Jewish Center

Alexa Rind is a Senior high honor student at Huntington High School.  She has been a member of the Huntington Jewish Center her whole life and attended the HJC Religious School from Kindergarten up until her Bat Mitzvah, followed by the SHMA Hebrew High School.  She has remained an involved member of the HJC community, helping in any way she could, from running booths at the annual Hanukkah Happening and Purim Carnival, to babysitting during High Holiday and Friday Night Live services.  She was a teen volunteer at HJC’s innovative Buzz program and has recently been the teacher’s assistant for Shabbat Junior Congregation. Over the years, she has regularly volunteered her time at Mitzvah Day fundraisers, as well as at many Men’s Club and Israel Committee events. She has a passion for Israel advocacy and was fortunate to attend the AIPAC Schusterman Advocacy Institute High School Summit in Washington D.C. as a Junior, where she had the opportunity to lobby for Israel on Capitol Hill.

 Alexa is an enthusiastic member of USY, having attended METNY Encampment since 2014. Since then, she has held multiple leadership positions in her local USY chapter, including current Vice President of Social Action/Tikkun Olam. She loves attending divisional and regional events, as well as planning programming of her own as part of her chapter board. During the Summer of 2019, she had the time of her life traveling to Eastern Europe and Israel with USY Pilgrimage.  She had spent three amazing Summers prior to that at NJY’s Camp Cedar Lake.

Outside of the Jewish community, Alexa is active in seven national honor societies and two internships. She is a member of six clubs at her school and holds a leadership position as Key Club President and Student Government PR Coordinator. She dances for her school’s nationally ranked dance team, plays alto sax in the Senior band, and participates in the Long Island Rowing Club. She is also a bilingual Spanish speaker and loves volunteering in her Huntington community whenever she can. Next year, she hopes to study political science and government in college.

Alexa would like to congratulate Alan Kriegstein and the rest of this year’s honorees and is very grateful to the HJC Men’s Club for this special honor. Click here to support Alexa Rind with a journal ad in her honor.

Please click here to support the Huntington Jewish Center’s Man of the Year:
Alan Kriegstein