Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs – FJMC (Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs) is the international umbrella organization for a confederation of approximately 200 men’s auxiliaries serving more than 20,000 men around the globe. Our chapters are concentrated in North America throughout the United States and Canada. The influence of FJMC’s programs and contributions is felt worldwide. FJMC’s mission is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life. Our programs have a profound impact on our congregations, our youth, world Jewry, and, when you consider the indirect impact of our Shomrei Ha’aretz environmental programs, all of humanity.
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism – The mission of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is to strengthen and unite synagogue women’s groups, their members, and individual members, support them in mutual efforts to understand and perpetuate Conservative/Masorti Judaism in the home, synagogue and community, and reinforce their bonds with Israel and with Jews worldwide. Women’s League accepts the Jerusalem Program, which is the platform of the World Zionist Organization.
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism – With 600 synagogues in North America and a home in Israel, USCJ is the largest network of Conservative Jews in the world. We strengthen synagogues. We are the network that ensures there are thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life. Together, we demonstrate what an authentic and dynamic Judaism looks like, inspire people to be a part of it, and advance its critical role in the world.
Newsletter: FJMC President Alan Budman
Now You Know December 1, 2023
Now You Know November 8, 2023
Now You Know October 1, 2023
Now You Know September 1, 2023
News Sources:
ADL – is the leading anti-hate organization in the world. Founded in 1913, its timeless mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact. A global leader in combating antisemitism, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens, ADL works to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.
CAMERA – Founded in 1982, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) is a media-monitoring, research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East. CAMERA fosters rigorous reporting, while educating news consumers about Middle East issues and the role of the media. Because public opinion ultimately shapes public policy, distorted news coverage that misleads the public can be detrimental to sound policymaking. A non-partisan organization, CAMERA takes no position with regard to American or Israeli political issues or with regard to ultimate solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Daily Alert is a digest of news and commentary about Israel and the Middle East, published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
Honest Reporting – embraces the principle that a healthy democracy requires a well informed citizenry. Accordingly, the mission of HonestReporting is to ensure truth, integrity and fairness, and to combat ideological prejudice in journalism and the media, as it impacts Israel. We engage the next generation and educate the public to understand and value the above aspirations.
i24NEWS is an Israeli-based international 24-hour news television channel located in Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv, Israel. It broadcasts in French, English, and Arabic. English channel offers a weekly magazine in Spanish.
Jewish Broadcasting Service – JBS is America’s non-profit Jewish television channel offering 24/7 programming that educates, inspires and connects. Available on TV Providers and Streaming Services nationwide.

Israel Advocacy
- Write letters of encouragement to senators and Representatives – and even State and local officials – who have been supportive of Israel in any way. The letters should be personal and to the point, signed with respect and valid address. Nothing used to be better than a letter, but today, our Government officials read e-mail first and foremost!
In addition:
- Follow all your local politicians on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
- Pay close attention to comments made supportive to Israel.
- Write or reply to say additional support of Israel is needed.
- Pay attention to Anti-Semitic incidents and comment on them at local and national politicians social media sites.
Social Media responses are tracked by Congressional offices and senate offices. If poor positive responses to Israel comments are made they have been removed. – Our social media voices have an impact!
Be Involved, social media is a modern polling tool, don’t ignore its power!!
- Write letters of objection to those whose support for Israel has been less than adequate. Those letters too, should be respectful and to the point. The goal is not to berate, but to persuade.
- E-mail or call the White House to encourage the President to continue his support for Israel and to persevere in the war against terrorism
- Read newspapers and watch television with a special eye for reporting on Israel and the Middle East. When someone has done a good job, write or call with praise. When someone has done a poor job, carefully communicate your objections. It is as important to watch carefully local news as it is national news and world news. One good source for being a media watchdog is honestreporting.com or www.camera.org For more accurate information, the Israeli Government’s website is www.israel.gov.il/eng and the Jerusalem Post newspaper is online at www.jpost.com and Times of Israel at timesofisrael.com and political intelligence briefings are found at www.debka.org
- Shop for Israeli products. They are everywhere if you just look for them. Israel needs our economic and moral support. A thumbnail sketch of the political and historical background of the current conflict can be found at org/resources. A more detailed analysis of the historical and political background is provided by Mitchell Bard, author of the authoritative Myths and Facts; A guide to the Arab Israeli Conflict – the on-line date/resource website is www.us-israel.org/source/myths. Shopping for Blue & White Israeli products also negates the fraudulent claims of the BDS (Boycott/Divestment/Sanction Movement.)
- Support Israeli emergency medical services. Magen David Adom fulfills the function of the Red Cross in Israel (magendavidadom.org). Likewise, Hadassah Hospital and many other hospitals and emergency centers in Israel need our support. (hadassah.org)
- Call and email friends in Israel just to talk to them. Promise you will visit. Keep in touch with your Israel friends/business associates/family!
- Make plans to go to Israel. Book a trip with your travel agent or online. Send for the brochures. Next year in Jerusalem – should be this year in Israel.
- Talk to friends and neighbors, particularly those who are not Jewish. Email them articles that are short and to the point. Engage them on the issue and about how important Israel is to you. If they show sympathy for the anti-Israel causes, gently try to persuade them, but make it clear that there is no alternative for the Jews in Israel or in the world other than a secure Jewish nation in Israel, the only democracy in the middle east.
- Show up at organizational events. Many of our New York Metro Club members have gathered in Washington, marched in New York and been at rallies in years past!! Our presence strengthens Israel.
- Keep yourself informed from many perspectives. If you only read books and listen to analysis by the people with whom you already agree, you will remain a well-informed savant. If for no other reason than you need to know your opponents, you must educate yourself with information and misinformation from the right and the left, from the Arabs and the Israelis, from the Muslims and the Jews, from fundamentalist Christians who love Israel but dismiss Judaism, and from liberal Christians who love Judaism but dismiss Israel. Go to their websites – it’s free and it’s an education.
- Pray. Maybe a Rabbi has to say it, but it is as necessary as any of the other steps. Prayer in our tradition is not magic. We have no contest with other religions as to who can flood God’s office with the most signatures on a petition. Prayer serves to reinforce our values, our connection with God and the strength we need to do what is right, even when what is right isn’t always comfortable. Without a grounding in religious life, we are nothing but another nation vying for a piece of the world’s power. And likewise, if we rely only on our religion, we become nothing but narrow-minded partisans. Prayer keeps us balanced and mindful of the need to honor our Creator in everything we do. And our prayers daily include prayers for peace, harmony and well-being of Israel.