Andy Bader and his family have been members of the Plainview Jewish Center since 1994. His 3 children all attended Hebrew school and celebrated their bar/bat mitzvahs at PJC. Andy served as President of the Men’s Club from 2021-2023 after serving on the Men’s Club Executive Board for the prior 6 years. He currently serves as a trustee on the synagogue Board. Andy’s wife, Mara, is the Vice-President of Membership for PJC Sisterhood and has been selected to be the 2024 recipient of the Woman of Achievement Award of the BQLI Region. Andy has been involved in many aspects at PJC and Men’s Club. He has appeared on stage in numerous productions of the Men’s Club Patio Players. He has served as an usher on the High Holidays, cooking and serving at PJC barbeques, and serving ice cream at the annual Purim party, just to name a few. Andy and his family have long been involved in Conservative Judaism. Andy was born in Queens and was bar mitzvahed at Temple Beth Israel in Richmond Hill. His family later moved to Elmont, Long Island, where they were members of Elmont Jewish Center. Andy holds a BA from Yeshiva University, an MS from Adelphi University, and attended CUNY Queens College and SUNY Empire State College for post graduate classes. After thirty years, Andy is a retired New York City teacher of Social Studies, Economics, and Business.
He is currently a senior Vice President for Mercury Tax Service, Inc., an accounting firm founded by his parents. In 2009, he was elected as a Commissioner of the Plainview Water District. He has served as President of the Nassau-Suffolk Water Commissioners Association and a Chairman of the Long Island Water Conference. He is a lifetime member of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Long Island and is a member of the Advisory Board on the JCRC of Long Island – Jewish Community Relations Council.
Andy is very proud of his family’s involvement in the creation of the State of Israel. His great-grandfather, Isaiah Jarcho, an ardent Zionist and 1904 graduate of Columbia University, was a founder and first Director of Ahuza Aleph-Raanana during the 1920’s.
Andy’s son, Zachary, served as a Lone Soldier in the IDF Nahal Brigade with the rank of Sgt. during the 2014 Gaza war. Andy enjoys spending time with his children, their spouses, and 4 (soon to be 5) grandchildren. His oldest grandson, Benjamin, is currently an Aleph class student at PJC’s Hebrew School and loves learning about the holidays and participating in all of the fun and educational activities. In his free time, Andy works on his family’s genealogy, collects political and Judaica buttons and pins, and enjoys gardening.
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Noah Leibowitz is a senior at Plainview-Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School. He is taking AP and honors level classes in English Literature, Spanish, Macroeconomics, U.S. Government and Politics, Biology, Calculus, and Social Science Research. He is also an active member of Science, Math, Spanish, English, and National Honor societies. As part of his responsibilities, he tutors students in science and math. He is also involved in POBJFK’s Wind Ensemble and Marching Band where he plays the clarinet.
Noah continues to be an active member of the Plainview Jewish Center community. In 2019, he received the Keter Torah Award and became a Bar Mitzvah at PJC and at Masada in Israel. He has been a member of USY since third grade and serves on Rabbi Conn’s Teen Social Action committee where they raised over $1000 for organizations like the Jewish Community Relations Council to combat antisemitism and hate, and PJC Chefs where he cooked meals for families in need.
In addition to that, he is actively involved in programs through AHRC Nassau which provides services to children and adults with special needs, such as his younger brother Shai. Noah raised over $1,000 and installed a sensory hallway in his brother’s school. Currently, he volunteers bi-monthly at the Syosset Bowling Alley which is one of many events that AHRC offers. Noah is currently an adult brown belt in kenpo karate and working towards his adult black belt.
Noah is planning to attend college in the fall intending to double major in physics and data science. He also intends to become involved in Hillel and Chabad activities on campus. He is the son of Michele and Jason Leibowitz and has a younger brother Shai. The entire family, including his grandparents and many relatives, are very proud of him and all that he has achieved as well as his deep commitment to Jewish values.