Eric Rogers
Eric Rogers along with his wife joined Midway Jewish Center almost 20 years ago. Eric and his wife Jan have 3 children, Jared, 23, Ethan, 20 and Risa, 15, all had their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs at Midway Jewish Center and all 3 children attended Soloman Schecter Day school as undergraduates. The whole family is active in Jewish life in and around Midway. Eric has been on the board of directors of Midway as well as treasurer of the Mens Club. Jan is active in sisterhood and kids have all been active in USY and other youth organizations. Eric graduated from the University of Maryland with a finance and accounting degree. After college, Eric moved to Florida to become a stock broker. After many years of working for someone else he decided to open his own business. Eric has been in his own candy distribution business for over 35 years covering the tri-state area and beyond. Eric enjoys golfing, boating and playing poker. Eric and his family enjoy traveling around the world as well as spending time with each other. Eric would like to thank his fellow Mens Club members for nominating him for this honor and would also like to congratulate the other honorees for all of their accomplishments.

Kimberly Saltsberg
Kimberly Saltsberg is a junior at Syosset High School and is very excited to be honored as Midway Jewish Center’s Youth of the Year this year. An active member of Midway her entire life, Kimberly is currently the president of their USY chapter, as well as a madricha in their religious school and volunteer at their nursery school summer program. Outside of Midway, Kimberly is a member of Syosset High School’s Stage Band, Pit Orchestra, Pre-Medical society, Red Cross Relief Club, First Responder Group, Varsity Fencing Team, Science National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society, and served as a member of the FEMA Region II Youth Preparedness Council for the past two years. In addition, Kimberly is an active volunteer for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and has led four successful fundraisers raising over $46,000. She has received the Rising Star award from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and has been recognized by the New York Islanders as their Community Star of the Week for her fundraising efforts.
Mazel tov to all of the honorees this year!

Rachel Abramowitz
Rachel Abramowitz is a Junior and Honor Roll Student at Syosset High School. Rachel’s been
part of the Midway Jewish Center Community for a long time, from her days in Mommy and Me,
to later on in the Nursery School, Religious School, and is currently enrolled in HebrewHigh/Tichon. At her 2019 Religious School graduation, Rachel earned the Keter Torah Award.
Rachel has been very involved in Midway’s Youth Groups: Junior. Kadima, Kadima, andcurrently in USY where she’s serving her third term on the Board. Rachel loves to give back tothe community and has been a volunteer in the Religious School’s Madrichim Program for the past four years.
Rachel’s favorite place to be is her second home, Camp Ramah in the Berkshires where she’s spent the past 9 summers with many of her best friends. This past summer, Rachel was a CIT and also became a Waterfront Certified Lifeguard. Rachel is very excited about her plans to go to Ramah Seminar Israel and Poland during Summer of 2023.
During the past school year, Rachel participated in the Camp Ramah Leadership Training Program giving her the opportunity to learn and discuss what being a leader is and how to be a leader in camp, along with assisting in planning and thinking of new programs for the summer. Rachel is currently participating in AJC’s LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) program, providing skills to becoming a stronger Jewish advocate and education about pertinent issues impacting Judaism.
Outside of her studies, Rachel loves to participate in many clubs and activities at school, is a member of the School Varsity Volleyball Team, playing Club Travel Volleyball, and being a member of the DECA, Syosset Forensics, and the Syosset Red Cross Relief Club. Additionally,
Rachel’s been in the band since she was in elementary school and plays the bass clarinet. Rachel loves to spend time with her family and go on vacations with her parents and play with her two dogs Babka and Mazzy-Ruggy. Rachel is extremely honored to receive this award and congratulates the other honorees.