Ma’asim Tovim Award: (Doer of Good Deeds) Award. This honor is the highest and most cherished that any Region of the FJMC can bestow upon one of its members. It is given to individuals who have worked on behalf of the region for many years. The honor recognizes the significant accomplishments the honoree has made to his Club, his Region, his Synagogue, and the Jewish Community. Learn more about this prestigious award.
To understand the impact our past honorees have made on FJMC members in their communities and regions, watch the videos below.
2019 Honorees video (password: fjmc)
2017 Honorees video

Man and Youth of the Year: Who is the Keeper of the Flame? The Keeper of the Flame is a person who illuminates the darkness and inspires others to keep the fires burning. Every Men’s Club or Brotherhood has a “Keeper of the Flame”, a person who inspires others to rise to a greater purpose. The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) Man of the Year Award is the highest recognition a Men’s Club or Brotherhood can give to one of its members. Every Men’s Club and Brotherhood has an annual opportunity to honor YOUR Keeper of the Flame – YOUR Man of the Year / Youth of the Year – for their leadership and participation within your Men’s Club, Brotherhood, Temple and the greater Jewish Community. Recognition and reward are keys to making a volunteer organization work.
The New York Metro Region of FJMC encourages each club to also consider hosting a Man of the Year / Youth of the Year gala event to recognize and reward volunteers in YOUR Men’s Club, Brotherhood and/or synagogue whose efforts have contributed to building Jewish community and invigorating Jewish life. Once an individual becomes a Man of the Year or Youth of the Year it becomes a lifetime honor. The memory of being recognized at a large festive dinner, among your most enthusiastic friends, family and supporters, in front of a crowd of “big machers”, can make a lasting impression.

Quality Club Award: The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) Quality Club Award is one of the highest honors that can be earned by a Jewish Men’s Club or Brotherhood. The FJMC Quality Club Award says to both your club members, synagogue members and greater community that your Men’s Club or Brotherhood and its programs and activities demonstrate a level of excellence. The award, an engraved, 15 year, perpetual plaque, was developed to encourage Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods to offer specific types of activities at the local, regional, and international level.
Qualification for the 2023 / 2024 FJMC Quality Club Award will be based upon the quality and diversity of YOUR Men’s Club or Brotherhood programs and activities for the period May 1, 2023 through May 1, 2024. Learn more about the Club Award criteria requirements.
Application Deadline: The deadline for submitting the 2023-24 Quality Club Award application is Friday, May 24, 2024. All applications must be received by then to be considered for the award. Sometimes clubs have completed all the criteria, but fail to submit their application, and are not considered for the award. Learn more about this prestigious award.
There is a tremendous amount of information available at fjmc.org about programs which may be used to help fulfill the requirements. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Quality Club Award Committee at anytime and they will be happy to help.