Annual Programs Around The Region

Bowling League (One Sunday Every Month From September-June)
Men’s Club Friday Night Shabbat (Twice a Year)
Chanukah Party
Men’s Club Football Party
Men’s Club Movie Night at Local Theatre
Passover Wine Sale
Golf Outing
Golf Instruction at Local Driving Range
Fishing Trip on a Private Charter

Zoom Trivia Nights (three throughout the year)
Zoom Name that Tune night (three throughout the year)
Zoom Tell your Joke Night (three throughout the year)
Complimentary Shabbat Challah and Wine package to members who have paid their dues. To be distributed on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for Shabbat that weekend. This is a thank you to our members for supporting the club during a year where there is limited programming and wishing them a good Shabbat.
A Night of Magic. Sponsored jointly with Sisterhood on a. Complimentary to our members.
Poker Run- a program whereby participants travel to 5 houses, pick cards and return to Shul
to determine winner and breakfast.
Drive in Movie in the parking lot in the Spring.
Glow in Dark Miniature Golf tournament.
Outdoor BBQ with entertainment scheduled for Spring.

September – Welcome Back BBQ. Open to all temple members regardless of Men’s Club membership. Open to unaffiliated men who are invited by current members. October – Meet the Candidates. Candidates for local offices such as State Senate, State Assembly, Congress, etc. This is a debate style program with questions posed by audience members. Standard debate format applies
November – Paid-Up Membership dinner. Catered event with raffles and entertainment. Comedians, ventriloquists, and mentalists have been popular and low budget. Open to paid members only
December – Chanukkah party with goodie bags, latkes, sufganiyot or mini hot dogs and magician. Coordinate time with the release of Hebrew School
January – Live in-person Texas Hold’Em Tournament
February – Movie Night. Always a Jewish theme movie. Sometimes holocaust related since Yom HaShoah is not far away.
March – Purim Party – Men’s Club provides make your own sundaes with 3 different ice cream flavors and all the toppings. Temple provides DJ. Youth program provides carnival. Follows full Megillah reading.
April – Musical Production
May – Rotating program depending on what we can find that doesn’t cost too much. Many resources for this are available from us.
June – Member Appreciation Night. End of year dinner with awards ceremony including Man of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award. Also awards given to many members who made things happen this year.

Trivia Night -Men’s Club members as well as Congregants were asked to put together 15 to 18 questions pertaining to different topics. The Temple submitted these questions each week on Mondays to the Congregation. (One Topic each week). On Tuesday after the Evening Minyan, the person who submitted the questions led a discussion pertaining to the answers to these questions. On Wednesday of that week, the Temple e-mailed the answers to the entire Congregation.
Kosher Food Drive – “SHOP, DROP AND GO!” with the Jewish Community Center and two other Temples.
Veterans Shabbat. We made phone call to personally invite our Veterans and sent flyers to the FJMC; JCC; local newspaper; and Community Synagogues inviting them to participate in this event. Kiddush in their honor follows services.
Kristallnacht Program The history of Kristallnacht and why it is important to commemorate Kristallnacht every year. Following the speeches, The Rabbi and Cantor conducted a Memorial Service. We also contacted the FJMC; JCC; Local Newspaper; and Community Synagogues inviting them to participate.
World-wide Wrap
Purim Celebration-Joint Sisterhood/Men’s Club Event
Men’s Club Shabbat
Yom HaShoah Candle Lighting Program
At each Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the Men’s Club provides a gift to the honoree of a book entitled “The Book of Jewish Values”. A Day-to-Day Guide of Ethical Living by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

Football Night – Live viewing of a selected New York Giants or New York Jets game
Annual Rabbinic Dialog – This year’s topic was Kavod in the Age of Covid. Leading the community through the crisis
Beer Tasting
September 11th Memorial Service incorporated into the Friday evening shabbat service of that week.
September – Season Opening Breakfast
Trip to New York Giants vs New York Jets game.
Annual Blood Drive
December – Vodkas and Latkes
January – Live viewing of the NFC AFC Championship Game
February – World Wide Wrap
March – Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle packaging and mailing
April – Scotch and Seder followed by NCAA Men’s Championship Game
April – Annual Awards Breakfast
May – Shabbat Hagever Service
June – Texas Hold’em & Backgammon Tournament

Chanukah Dreidel Game on Zoom
Chanukah Food Drive
Torah Restoration Project, the Writing of a Sefer Torah
Super Bowl Pool
World-wide Wrap
Passover Food Drive